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On June 24th, 2016 The United Kingdom has decided through a referendum to leave the European Union.
Many people were shocked around the world but also inside the country and some wanted to change their votes because they didn’t have measured all the consequences of such an act. Too late.
A new prime minister was entering 10 Downing street, leaving the former prime minister rather down in the surveys.
Theresa May, the newly appointed prime minister reassured her citizens proposing a fast outing of the European Union, the members of this one urged her to do so.
The United Kingdom and Europe had a series of ups and downs through history and for a very long time, British people prefer to be close to the USA but also were defending their differences.
In 1957 they sat aside as France, Italy and the Benelux countries (Belgium, the Nederland and Luxemburg) settled a single market in coals and steel. With the Treaty of Rome signed it became the EEC: European Economic Community.
Indeed, the UK thought it was better to develop trade in the future with the USA and with the Commonwealth. They feared they could lose their sovereignty.
Later on as social and economic problems were growing in the country, the UK commitment in Europe became more important.
However, in France, Charles de Gaulle was strongly opposed to this commitment and he vetoed the UK’s membership twice. The first time in 1963 and then in 1967.
It is only in 1973 that Britain became a member of the EEC and could benefit from development aid in order to help poorer areas in Britain.
In 1975 a referendum was held on a continued membership. The previous year Harold Wilson formed a new labor government and the miners’ strike ended.
From 1979 to 1990, Margaret Thatcher pursued right-wing policies, while the president of the European commission, Jacques Delors (Martine Aubry’s father), was launching the idea of a social europe. Thatcher wanted to put Britain back on the map. she also wanted to reassert special relationships with all her allies.
In 1986 a single European market appeared in which goods, services but also people and capitals could move freely across national frontiers. The European Community was born.
But as the politcal integration was important, the reluctancy of the UK became stronger.
In 1992 with the Maastricht Treaty, the creation of the EU with the creation of a new common currency, the wish to counterbalance the dollar, to create a European bank and a common defense, Britain asked for an “opt-out” clause. They accepted to be part of the European Community but in no way they accepted to lose their currency.
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